How do I cancel my membership?

Members can cancel their membership on their own at any time using the website. Your membership can by following these instructions (links provided for convenience):

  • Log in to the website
  • Go to your user account area. You can get there by clicking the text 'Account' in the upper right of the web page, and it will open a dropdown in which you will click 'Account Info'.
  • Follow the link that says "Membership" to access your membership status page.
    • On devices with large screens, this will be in the left sidebar under the 'Members' heading.
    • On devices with small screens, you will first have to tap to access the 'USER MENU' and the link will be under there
    • You can also use this direct link.
  • On your membership status page, there will be a button you use that says 'Cancel'

NOTICE: once you cancel your membership you will immediately lose access to the members only areas of the website. Due to this, most people wait until the end of their current membership period to cancel. After you click the button to cancel you should be prompted with this message to confirm canceling your membership. Once confirmed, your monthly donation subscription will be canceled.

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